My Photography: Purpose

Has anyone ever asked you what your purpose is? Today, someone presented this question to me about my business. After thinking about it, I identified a couple of things that I hope will help you  understand what I am about. 

First and foremost, I shoot to create. I truly believe that everyone has a gift that can be used to express one's self; my photography is my own expression. I enjoy the challenge of taking a random idea in my thoughts and transforming it into a real, tangible thing. It is similar to craving a certain food, you think about it long enough that when you finally take that first bite all you can do is grown in pure satisfaction. 

I shoot to document life. I want others to know how life is at this time in my life and your life.  My grandmother , who I often consider my third parent, was a strong believer in keeping photos of every event that my family had. She would often be found with a small yellow disposable camera, that was stashed close by in her purse ready for use at any moment. Do to her love for memories, when she passed away,  we were left with all her photos of family and friend's smiling faces. My desire for others to have that ability to look back at their loved ones at some of the happiest times of their lives. 

I shoot to share. When dealing with little kids, I always tell them "sharing is caring." Now I promise I won't randomly say this on a shoot, but I do believe it to be true. When you share yourself and your talents with others, it shows them that you care for them.  I want to share other's love stories in a way that others can see is just as beautiful as the couple sees it.  Sharing my skills and knowledge can bring other joy, whether it is a bride and groom or a makeup artist or florist. 

And in all honesty , I shoot because I love it. With this passion, I get to meet people and be a part of their love story.   Moments, big or small, I can capture so they will be a moment remembered. Photography can help be a mirror on how that situation was and felt. I love capturing natural moments with a slight direction to make a situation more in its element.

Lastly, I shoot to grow. I really enjoy learning more and more with photography and using what I have learned.  Through each session I have been able to walk away with something new whether it is good or bad it gives me an opportunity to take what I have learned and apply it to future sessions. My experiences are not just photography lessons but also life lesson. And my wish is that I always continue to be growing. I wish the same for all my clients that come along. 

Huge disclaimer : I am a horrible speller. If you see these mistakes please have mercy and tell me kindly. =P