Steps for Successful Family Formals

Family Formals are one of the many joys of your wedding day. Through weddings I have shot, I wanted to share ways that I have found to be a good recipe for successful family formals.

Prepare your family. Make sure everyone has access to the schedule and the time in which family photos will take place.

Bring your shot list. Having a list of groups with names for your photographer will make all the difference. It allows us to move everything along without leaving anyone out. Try giving it to a second shooter or a personal attendant who can call out all the names.

Leaving Family Formals for Immediate Family. Family is family, but you don't want to be waiting on your cousin that was twice removed that you only see at Christmas to finish the photos. Keep your your list to immediate family (grandparents, parents, siblings, etc.) and you will be looking at a quick time with family photos. The quicker the family formals are completed the more satisfied your family will leave. If other family members feel left out tell them to plan on fun shots at the reception.


These are a few things from my experience that I hope you will be able to help your day go smoothly!